A Letter from the President: Samantha Forrest

A Letter from the President: Samantha Forrest

Winter is Coming but MSPCA Forges Forward!

In this message, Samantha shares information about MSPCA events and initiates designed to support members in the upcoming months, including the Western-MD Webinar, PestWorl in Hawaii, Legislative Advocacy, IPMC Dates, and networking opportunities. Winter may be coming, but your association is steadfast in its commitment to providing you with the resources, support, and knowledge needed to navigate the pest control landscape, regardless of the weather.

Maryland PMPs at PestWorld - Let's Connect in Hawaii for a Group Photo!

Maryland PMPs at PestWorld - Let's Connect in Hawaii for a Group Photo!

Aloha Maryland PMPs - Say Cheese!

If you are attending PestWorld in Waikiki next week, please meet up with other Maryland PMPs for a group photo outside of the exhibit hall on Tuesday, October 17th at 1:30 pm HST, just as the hall is about to open! Look for MSPCA President Samantha Forrest and other Marylanders!

MSPCA Western-MD Recertification Webinar

MSPCA Western-MD Recertification Webinar

November 9th, 2023 from 8:00am – 12:30pm

This half-day program will take place on Thursday, November 9, 2023, virtually on Zoom. Registration is open. Recertification credits can be earned in Maryland, Virginia, and Pennsylvania. The cost is $45 for MSCPA members and $75 for non-members.

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Maryland Regulatory Update

Maryland Regulatory Update

Regulated MD-1 Form & Label Review

MDA has provided two reminders for Maryland PMPs to review, one on the regulated use of the MD-1 form and the reminder to always read the label before applying any regulated product. Don't be complacent, be compliant!

Interstate Pest Management Conference Registration Will Open Soon!

Interstate Pest Management Conference Registration Will Open Soon!

Save the dates for January 24 & 25, 2024!

Registration for the IPMC will open soon! Mark your calendars and plan to attend this great training event with a fantastic exhibit hall. Pest control training sessions will be presented on both January 24th and January 25th. Turf and Ornamental will be offered on January 25th. Recertification credits have been applied for in Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, and Washington, DC. Be sure your MSPCA dues have been paid up to get the best price on the IPMC for yourself and your techs when registration opens. To check, click on "Find a Pro" under the "About" tab on the black bar of our homepage at Enter your company name in the search - if you don't come up, something is up with your membership! Email us at so we can investigate!

Earn Your MSPCA WDI-O Credentials

Earn Your MSPCA WDI-O Credentials

Step 1: Take the VPMA WDI Inspector Course

MSPCA allows Maryland PMPs to earn their WDI-O Credentials by taking the Virginia Pest Management WDI Inspector Workshop. VPMA is offering an in-person course in Richmond on November 7th. Step 2: After completing the course Maryland PMPs must then complete an MSPCA Supplement to earn credentials.

Are You Talking to Me? Teaching Your Techs to Talk to Cusomers

Are You Talking to Me? Teaching Your Techs to Talk to Cusomers

Customer Communication is Key to Your Pest Management Success

In this article, David Moore, BCE, Dodson Bros., reminds us that we need to leave our industry-tech talk at the door when talking with customers. It is more important for customers to understand the treatment plan and manage expectations, than it is to impress them, or possibly loose them, with our industry jargon.

MSPCA Pest of the Month

House Mouse - October 2023

Upcoming Events

November 9, 2023
7:50AM - 12:30PM EDT

Western Maryland Recertification Webinar

Registration is Open


This half-day program will take place on Thursday, November 9, 2023, virtually. Registration is open. If you have any questions about attending, please contact

December 12, 2023
6:00PM - 9:00PM EDT

MSCPA Board & Annual Meeting

Save the Date!

A New Annapolis Location Will Be Announced Soon!

Registration for the IPMC will open soon! Mark your calendars now for January 24th and 25th for pest management training, and January 25th for Turf and ornamental training.

January 24 - 25, 2024

Interstate Pest Management Conference

Save the Date!

Maritime Conference Center

Registration for the IPMC will open soon! Mark your calendars now for January 24th and 25th for pest management training, and January 25th for Turf and ornamental training.